मैं आज आपको इस Post में बताने जा रहा हूँ Daily use English idioms and phrases with Hindi meanings जिन्हें सीखने के बाद आप आसानी से अंग्रेजी बोलने और लिखने में कर सकते हैं;
मैं आपको यह बताना चाहूँगा कि Idioms and phrases meaning in Hindi Post में बताए गए सभी idioms meaning in Hindi and English का प्रयोग अंग्रेजी वाक्य में बहुत महत्वपूर्ण माना जाता है,
इन सभी idioms in English with Hindi meaning के प्रयोग को सीखकर कोई भी अपनी अंग्रेजी को काफी बेहतर बना सकता है।है।

इस post में जितने भी Idioms and phrases in Hindi बताए गए हैं, सभी phrases with Hindi meaning हर दिन अंग्रेजी बोलने और लिखने में काम आने वाले हैं, तो चलिए बिना देर किए सीखना शुरु करते हैं English phrases with meaning in Hindi –
Idioms and phrases With Hindi Meaning For Speaking English
मुझे उम्मीद है कि आप नीचे बताए गए सभी daily uses phrases with Hindi meaning को ध्यान से समझेंगे और इन सभी English idioms with Hindi meaning को आप अपने खुद के अंग्रेजी वाक्य में प्रयोग करेंगे;
मैं आपको बताना चाहूंगा, अगर आप सभी idioms and phrases in English with Hindi meaning के साथ याद कर लेते हैं तो आपकी अंग्रेजी और बेहतर हो जाएगी.
मैं यहाँ पर जो भी English idioms and phrases in Hindi में बता रहा हूँ सभी बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण और उपयोगी हैं.
यदि आप इस पोस्ट को पूरा पढ़ लेते हैं तो आप किसी भी idioms in Hindi को English में बोल सकते हैं; वो भी बिना किसी मुश्किल के.

बदले में लेना-देना – Trade in
I traded in my old car for a new one.
फायदा उठाना – Trade on
I traded on his good nature to help me out of my financial difficulties
पहन कर देखना – Try on
The tailor asked me to try on the coat.
जाँच के लिए चलाकर देखना – Try out
You should try out that T.V. set before you finally buy it.
किसी के खिलाफ खड़े हो जाना – Turn against
We have been such good friends and I had no idea that he would turn against me.
प्रस्तुत करना – Turn in
He turned in his answer paper and came out of the examination hall.
निगरानी करना, रक्षा करना – Watch over
The dog faithfully watched over his master’s sleeping child.
धुँधला पड़ना – Wear off
This colour will wear off soon.
समय नष्ट करना – While away
Get to work. Don’t while away your time in trifles.
अनदेखी करना – Wink at
I can wink at his faults no longer.
किसी तरीके से खोलना – Work open
I had lost my suitcase’s key, but somehow I managed to work it open.
मुख्यत :, खासकर – Above all
Above all, don’t mention this to Hari.
हक्का-बक्का होना – Aghast at
As she entered the hospital she looked aghast at the bed of the wounded.
अचानक – All at once
All at once the sky became dark and it began to rain.
झगड़े का परिणाम/कारण – Apple of discord
Ever since their father’s death this property has been an apple of discord between the two brothers.
बहुत प्रिय – Apple of one’s eye
His lovely little daughter is the apple of his eye.
थोड़ा-सा भी – At all
He told me that he did not have any money at all.
दिए हुए वचन से मुकर जाना – Back out of
He backed out of the promise he had given me.
दुश्मनी – Bad blood
There is bad blood between the two brothers.
बहुत ध्यान से सुनना – Be all ears
The children were all ears as I began to tell the story of Mahabharat.
निश्चित रुप से – Be Bound
We are bound to be late If you don’t hurry.
मर जाना – Be no more
Since her husband is no more she feels quite lost.
बुलाने पर हाजिर होना – Beck and call
You can not expect me to be at your beck and call every time.
अनुकूल अवसर के लिए शांति से प्रतीक्षा करना – Bide and time
The hunter bided his time till the tiger approached the pond for a drink.
समान स्वभाव के लोग – Birds of a feather
Birds of a feather tend to flock together.
बदनाम आदमी – Black sheep
Rohan is the black sheep of the family.
जी जान से – Body and soul
He gave himself body and soul to the pursuit of learning.
जिगरी दोस्त – Bosom friend
Ramesh and Rakesh are bosom friend
छुपने के स्थान से बाहर आना – Break cover
The enemy resumed heavy firing as the soldier broke cover.
राज खोलना – Bring to light
The C.I.D. brought to light a hideous conspiracy to assassinate the police chief.
दिन दहाड़े – Broad daylight
Yesterday, the bank near our house was robbed in broad daylight.
विचारों में मग्न रहना – Brown study
Shyam is in the habit of getting into brown study.
आहिस्ता-आहिस्ता – By and By
By and by people began to come into the lecture hall.
बात-बात में यूँ ही – By the way
By the way, are you going to church ?
साफ-साफ कह देना – Call a spade a spade
I am not rude but at the same time I don’t hesitate to call a spade a spade.
मौत की सजा – Capital punishment
The murderer was awarded Capital punishment.
इंतजार में रहना – Cast about for
He will cast about for an opportunity to take revenge on you.
जाना, भागना – Clear off
Don’t bother me. Clear off !
बाल-बाल बचना – Close shave
My car was just about to dash against the lamp post. It was quite a close shave.
पता चलना – Come to light
The conspiracy came to light at the right time and plotters were arrested.
मिलता-जुलता होना – Corresponding to
While digging in the field other day I found an old coin Corresponding to the one shown in this picture.
विस्तार से कहना – Cover a lot of ground
In his very first lecture the professor covered a lot of ground.
बिल्कुल खिलाफ – Dead against
Her mother is dead against her acting in the films.
कतई पूरा न होने वाला – Dead loss
He invested quite a lot of money in paper business but it proved to be a dead loss.
आधी रात को – Dead of light
The thief entered the house at dead of night.
बहुत थका हुआ – Dead tired
Having walked Four miles I felt dead tired and immediately fell asleep.
मार डालना – Done to death
The poor man was done to death by repeated lathi blows on the head.
मर्यादा तय करना – Draw a line
I can at the most give you one thousand rupees. And then I must draw a line.
मिलने जाना – Drop in on
Do drop in on me whenever you have the time.
छोड़ देना – Drop out of
He had to drop out of the race when his car broke down.
शराब पीकर आने वाली झूठी वीरता – Dutch courage
He showed a lot of dutch courage, but got frightened as the drink wore off.
आदत डालना – (Used to) – I am quite used to driving in crowded places.
प्रयोग कर खत्म करना – Use up – Have you used up all the paper I had given you?
उत्तेजित करना – Work up – Why are you so worked up?
मजाक उड़ाना – Trifle – It is cruel to trifle with anybody’s feelings.
अचानक आ पहुंचना – Turn up – Everybody was surprised to see him turn up at the meeting.
ऊपर बताए गए idiom and phrase meaning in Hindi में पढ़ना कैसा लगा? मुझे विश्वास है कि आपको सभी idioms in Hindi with meaning and examples को पढ़ना अच्छा लगा होगा.
चलिए आगे हम कुछ और नए idioms and phrases in English with meaning in Hindi को सीखना शुरू करते हैं.
Most Useful idioms and phrases with With Examples

किसी से दुश्मनी मोल लेना – Fall foul of
If this new clerk continues with his criticism like this he will soon fall foul of the manager.
सहमत होना – Fall in with
He found my plan very profitable and so readily fell in with it.
नसीब में होना – Fall to one’s lot
I fell to my lot to become a writer.
पारिवारिक समानता – Family likeness
There is a family likeness between the two cousins.
धीरे-धीरे प्रगति करना – Gain ground
India lost the first two matches, but began to gain ground gradually.
आगे निकल जाना – Get ahead of
Ramesh has got ahead of Karan in mathematics.
बदला लेना – Get even with
The other day Karan made a fool of Rakesh. And now Karan wants to get even with him.
मतलब समझ पाना – Get bold of
I was quite for from the stage and couldn’t get hold of what the speaker was saying.
झंझट में पड़ना – Get into a soup
You will get into a soup if you neglect your studies like this.
छुटकारा पाना – Get ride of
Don’t ask what all I had to do to get rid of a bore like Rohan.
काम पूरा करना – Get through with
When will you get through with your homework.
रहस्य का पता लगाना – Get wind of
There was a well-guarded conspiracy, but somehow the government got wind of it.
अवसर देना – Give a break
Would you like to give me a break.
कोसना – Give a peace of mind
He is so negligent in his work that I had to give him a piece of my mind.
कोई भी खतरा मोल लेना – Go through fire and water
A patriot is ready to go through fire and water to serve his motherland.
कोई काम अंत तक करते रहना – Go through with
Do you have the determination enough to go through with this job.
कानून का सहारा लेना – Go to law
In India, people go to law on very petty issues.
कोई काम ध्यानपूर्वक करना – Go to town
The interior decorator went to town on my flat and made it like a place.
बहुत मात्रा में – Good deal
This sofa set has cost me a good deal of money.
प्रसन्नचित होना – Good humour
He has got a promotion today so he is in good humor.
बड़े जोर-जोर से – Hammer and tongs
The opposition went for the government’s policies hammer and tongs.
बहुत नाजुक स्थिति में होना – Hang by a thread
Ramesh has been badly injured in the train accident and he is still hanging by a thread.
कुछ हद तक बहरा – Hard of hearing
You will have to speak a little louder, as Mr. Roa is hard of hearing.
रुपयों की तंगी होना – Hard up
Ever since he has left his job he has been quite hard up.
अक्सर, बधुआ – Every Now and then
We are very good friends and visit each other, every Now and then.
तंग आ जाना – Fed up with
I am Fed up with this daily drudgery.
भाईचारा, अपनापन – Yellow feeling
One should have fellow feelings for all.
जानकारी देना – Fill one in
As Ramesh could not attend the meeting He asked me to Fill him in.
यहाँ पर कुछ और महत्वपूर्ण और उपयोगी idioms and phrases English to Hindi दिया जा रहा जिन्हें याद कर आप इनका प्रयोग अंग्रेजी बोलने में बहुत ही आसानी से कर सकते हैं.
Most Useful idioms and phrases from Hindi to English
राजी होना, दिल करना – Have a mind
He can be very funny If he has a mind.
आराम होना – Have an easy time of it
As long as Mr. Narayan was there as the manager the staff had an easy time of it, but now things have changed.
निर्दोष पाना – Have clean hands
You can’t suspect him of taking bribery. I am sure his hands are clean.
कोई काम हांथ में होना – Have in hand
What job do you have in hand at present.
झगड़ा करना – Have it out with
I am sure he has cheated me, and I am going to have it out with him.
अपनी ही बात करना – Have one’s way
Little children must have their way in everything.
एक ही साथ अनेक काम करने की कोशिश करना – Have too many irons in the fire
Beware of your health breaking down under the strain of overwork, I think you have too many irons in the fire.
Read Some More Idioms –
- Played havoc – Caused destruction / तबाही मचाना
- Does not hold water – Cannot be believed / विश्वास करने के अयोग्य
- Took to heels – Run away in fear / डर कर भागना
- To give a piece of mind – To reprimand / फटकारना
- Pay through nose – Pay an extremely high price / अत्यधिक मूल्य भरना
- Make a clean breast – Confess without reserve / बिना झिझक या डर के जुर्म या गलती कबूलना
- Bad blood – Angry feeling / संबंधों में खटास होना
- A white elephant – A costly but useless possession / मंहगा परंतु बेकार
- In the good books – In favour with / कृपापात्र होना
- Shake in shoes – Tremble with fear / डर से काँपना
- Fits and starts – Not regularly / अनियमित
- Close shave – Narrow escape / बाल-बाल बचना
ऐश आराम की जिन्दगी – High living
Many diseases are brought on by high living.
ठीक समय होना – High time
It is high time to get up.
घुल-मिल जाना – Hot it off
She and her husband do not seem to hit it off.
खामोश रहना – Hold one’s tongue
She talked so much that I had to ask her to hold her tongue.
रिश्वत – Hush money
A lot of hush money passed between the minister and his favorite business house.
सब मिलाकर – In a body
The boys went in a body to the headmaster to request him to declare a holiday on account of their winning a cricket match.
दुविधा में पड़ना – In a fix
I could not decide whether to leave or stay – I was in a fix.
गुस्से में होना – In a temper
The boss seems to be in a temper today.
संक्षेप में – In a word
In a word, he doesn’t care for your company.
सब मिलाकर – In all
In all there were thirty students in the class.
बार-बार जेल जाने वाला अपराधी – Jail bird
He being a notorious jail bird the judge did not show any mercy to him.
बिल्कुल सही – Just the thing
You are being critical but in my opinion Rajesh’s appointment to this post is just the thing.
निगरानी रखना – Keep an eye on
Please keep an eye on my suitcase while I buy my ticket.
संपर्क बनाए रखना – Keep in touch with
He wants to keep in touch with his family living here.
देर तक जागे रहना – Keep late hours
If you stay up late, you will ruin your health.
एक ही समय में दो काम करना – Kill two birds with one stone
While in Mumbai I will call on a friend and also do some shopping. Thus, I will kill two birds with one stone.
शक्ल से पहचानना – Know by sight
I know him by sight
अगर आपको इस पोस्ट में दिए गए idioms Hindi to English को समझने में कोई समस्या हुई हो तो आप हमें कमेंट के जरिए बता सकते हैं ताकि हम आपके Hindi to English idioms and idioms in Hindi meaning से संबंधित समस्या को हल कर सकें.
English idioms and phrases with Hindi meanings
बीमार होकर बिस्तर पर पड़े रहना – Laid up with
He was out in the rain yesterday and now is laid up with could and fever.
मन में हंसना – Laugh in one’s sleeve
He was wearing a funny dress at the party and everyone was laughing in his sleeve.
हुक्म चलाना – Lay down the law
In his house his wife lays down the law.
किसी को जरुरत से ज्यादा तकलीफ देना – Lead a person a dance
Why don’t you pay him his dues instead of leading him a dance.
जिसका उत्तर प्रश्न में ही निहित है – Leading Question
The lawyer asked the witness many a leading questions.
कठिनाई में साथ छोड देना – Leave in the lurch
He stood by me as long as all was well, but left me in the lurch the moment he sensed danger.
बीती बातें भूल जाना – Let bygones be bygones
We are now friends, so let bygones be bygones
इंतजार में रहना – Lie in wait for
The tiger hid and lay in wait for its prey.
आसानी से जगने वाला व्यक्ति – Light sleeper
I am light sleeper and even a slight sound can wake me up.
ऐश आराम की जिन्दगी बिताना – Live it up
The rich man’s son went to America and lived it up.
किसी को बहुत गुस्से से घूरना – Look dagger at someone
What have I done ? why are you looking dagger at me.
सही-सही लगना – Look every inch
He looks every inch a King.
धीरज खोना – Lose heart
Don’t lose heart, everything will be all right in due course.
गड़बड़ घोटाला कर देना – Make a hush
Don’t meddle in my cooking. You will make a hash of everything.
छोटी सी बात को बढ़ा-चढ़ाकर पेश करना – Make a mountain of a molehill
This job will not take you More than a few minutes. So don’t make a mountain of a molehill.
जीविका चलाना – Make a living
In India it is difficult to make a living as an artist.
चोरी से भाग जाना – Make away with
The thief made away with a thousand rupees.
विश्वास दिलाना – Make believe
The little girl made believe that she was a princess.
किसी का मजाक उड़ाना – Make fun of
We should not make fun of Dull students in the class.
सुलह करना – Make it up with
I had quarrelled with Shyam yesterday, but now I have made it up with him.
बहुत महत्तव देना – Make much of
Every mother makes much of her children.
चोरी से लेकर भाग जाना – Make off with
The thief made off with a thousand rupees.
Hindi idioms and phrases with English meaning
समझौता करना – Meet one half way
I can’t accept, but I am prepared to meet you half way.
बाल-बाल बचना – Narrow escape
No sooner did we run out of the burning house than it collapsed. It was indeed a narrow escape.
कुछ भी हो तो भी – No matter
No matter where the thief tries to hide, the police will find him out.
कभी-कभी – Now and then
I don’t often fall ill, but now and then I do catch cold.
जानबूझकर – On purpose
I suspect he made that mistake on purpose.
खुले दिल का आदमी – Open-hearted man
He is Open-hearted man and liked by all.
पूरी तरह से – Out and out
He is out and out a docile Character
थक जाना, जोर-जोर से सांस लेना – Out of breath
He ran very fast and was out of breath, when he reached here.
खफा होना – Out of favour
Mr. Arvind, once a great favourite of our boss, now seems to be out of favour with him.
पैसे न होना – Out of pocket
I am sorry I can not lend you any money as I am out of pocket myself.
दिलोजान से ( प्यार करना ) – Over head and ears
He is over head and ears in live with her.
डींग मारना – Plume oneself on
She always plumes himself on his record in mathematics.
बुरे दिन के लिए बचत करना – Provide against a rainy day
Wise men save to provide against a rainy day.
मिलजुलकर काम करना – Pull Well with
I resigned my job because I could not pull well with my ill-tempered boss.
केस करना – Put on trail
Although he had not stolen any money he was out on trail.
लज्जित करना – Put one out of countenance
My friendly response to his hostile attitude Put him out of countenance.
बर्दाश्त करना – Put up with
How do you put up with that kind of noise whole day ?
रिहा करना – Set at liberty
As the police could not prove the case against the prisoner he was set at liberty.
घृणा करना – Set one’s teeth on edge
His disgusting behavior set my teeth on edge.
नजदीक का रास्ता – Short cut
This lane is a short cut to my house.
Learn Some More Interesting Idioms And Phrases
करो या मरो – Sink or swim
I will never leave you. We shall sink or swim together.
बाल-बाल बचना – Skin of one’s teeth
When the ship sank everybody drowned except Kiran who managed to escape with the skin of his teeth.
अप्रिय परिस्थिति में लोगों के बीच होना – Fish out of water
I felt like a fish out of water in the company of those scientists.
जान बूझ कर उल्टा व्यवहार करना – Fly in the face of
Why should you recklessly fly in the face of danger.
हमेशा के लिए – For good
He proposes to leave India for good.
मन की बात प्रकट करने के लिए मजबूर करना – Force one’s hand
I forced his hand to learn the real motive behind his plan.
कुछ समय के लिए – For the time being
For the time being I am staying at a hotel, but I propose to rent a flat shortly.
बिना बताये चले जाना – French leave
The boss is angry with him for taking french leave.
मुसीबत में साथ न देने वाला मित्र – Fair feather friend
Most of the people you are associating with them these days are just fair weather friends.
Learn Use Of Is, Am, Are In English Grammar With Examples
मैं आशा करता हूँ कि आपको ऊपर दिए गए सभी daily use English idioms and phrases सीखना अच्छा लगा होगा; यदि हाँ तो आप इस Idiom meaning in Hindi and meaning of idioms in hindi को शेयर करना ना भूलें, धन्यवाद !
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