Hindi Word Meanings With English Sentences

आज मैं आपको इस Hindi word meanings, post में कुछ बेहतरीन Idioms & Phrases बताने जा रहा हूँ; आप इन सभी words को ध्यान से पढ़ें और समझें ताकि आप इनका प्रयोग अंग्रेजी बोलते और लिखते समय आत्मविश्वास के साथ कर सकें; तो चलिए बिना देर किए आगे बढ़ते हैं और सीखना शुरु करते हैं Hindi word meanings –
Hindi Word Meanings

Hindi Word Meanings With English Sentences For Speaking English

जानकारी रखना – Abreast with

He keeps himself abreast with the latest developments in the world of science.
असावधान व्यक्ति – Absent-minded person
Our professor is a very absent-minded person.
अनुकूल होना – Agreeable to
He being every fussy, the plan was not agreeable to his wishes.
बिल्कुल झूठा – All moonshine.
What you are saying is all moonshine.
फिर भी – All the same
Although your agreements appear convincing all the same it will not happen.
निकल जाना – Be off
I was tired of his chattering and asked him to be off.
नाबालिक होना – Be under age
You can not vote as you are under age.
धनवान होना – Be well-off
They own a house and a car, so they certainly are well-off.
हमला करना – Bear down upon
Our warship bore down upon the enemy convoy.
सामान ढोने वाला जानवर– Beast of burden.
Mules are used a beasts of burden by the Indian Army.
सुख चैन की अवस्था– Bed of roses
Life is no bed of roses.
एक तरफ से बंद गली – Bind alley
They had to turn back as they had entered a blind alley.
बहुत गुस्से में होना – Blow one’s top
Ram has not been caring for his studies at all . Naturally, his father had to blow his top.
बिल्कुल सीधा– Bolt upright.
As he was suddenly awakened by a passing procession’s noise he got up and sat bolt upright
कोई समाचार देना– Break the news
Ram had drowned and somebody had to break the sad news to his family somehow.
नीलाम करना– Bring to the hammer
As he went bankrupt, all his goods were brought to the hammer.
बैठक प्रारम्भ करना– Call to order
The chairman called the meeting to order. (Hindi word meanings)

Read Some More Hindi Word Meanings –

मौत की सजा जैसा गुनाह– Capital crime
Murder is a capital crime.
विरोध समाप्त करना– Carry one’s point
In the beginning Mohan was slightly vague in his speech but gradually he succeeded in carrying his point.
ध्यान खींचना– Catch one’s eye
I could not catch his eye, else I would have greeted him.
मनगढ़ंत कहानी– Cock and bull story
Who would believe such a cock and bull story.
डर जाना– Cold feet
At the sight of his opponent he got cold feet.
Some More Hindi Word Meanings :
किसी का साथ अप्रिय लगना– Cold shoulder.
He tried to talk to her, but she gave him the cold shoulder.
बालिग हो जाना– Come of age.
Now that you have come of age, you should take you own decisions.
बराबर होना– Come up to
The profit from this deal with Renuka Enterprise has not come up to my expectation.
नामजद कुंवारा– Confirmed bachelor
Is he going to marry late or is he a confirmed bachelor.
व्यर्थ खेद करना– Cry over spilt milk
In the beginning only, I had told you that was a bad bargain. It is no use crying over spilt milk now.
मर्मभेदी बात करना- Cut to the quick
Your reproaches cut him to the quick.
गलत पते के कारण डाक घर में पड़ा रहने वाला पत्र– Dead letter
As there was no address on the letter it was went to the dead letter office.
बहुत सफाई से आलोचना करना– Dish something out.
He is a glib talker and very good at dishing out flattery.
प्रगति करना– Do well
He is doing quite well in his new business.
हतोत्साह होना– Down and out
He was without money and without food. In short, just down and out.
Some More Hindi Word Meanings :
छोटा सा पत्र लिखना– Drop a line
As soon as I get to Mumbai. I will drop you a line.
शिष्टतापूर्वक नौकरी से निकालना– Ease someone out.
After the two companies merged a number of their officers had to be eased out.
बिना प्रयास प्राप्त होना– Easy come, easy go.
He inherited great wealth but spent it all foolishly. It was a case of easy come, easy go.
शब्द वापिस लेना– Eat one’s words.
He was vehemently insisting on his point, but finally had to eat his words, when the truth came out. (Hindi word meanings)

These All Words Meanings Are Very Important

ऐश आराम की जिन्दगी– Fast living
Rich men’s children generally like fast living.
टालना– Fight shy of
I fight shy of air travel as it makes me sick.
बहुत थोड़ी देर के लिए झपकी लेना– Forty winks.
After lunch I must have my forty winks.
पुनर्जीवित करना– Fresh lease of life.
The heart patient was almost dying. But now through the relentless efforts of doctor he has got a fresh lease of life.
वेतन के अलावा मिलने वाला लाभ– Fringe benefits.
His salary is small, but he gets good fringe benefits.
न्यायसंगत बर्ताव– Fair play.
I know him well and can count on his sense of fair play.
किसी चीज का सहारा लेना– Fall back upon.
If I don’t do well as a businessman I have had to fall back upon my old profession of Journalism.
पिछड़ जाना– Fall behind in
He fell ill and had to miss his college for a month. As a result he fell behind in his studies.
Some More Hindi Word Meanings :
किसी बुरी बात को प्रोत्साहन देना– Fan the flame.
Although outwardly he professed loyalty, in secret he was fanning the flame of sedition.
बहुत अधिक मूल्य का होना– Fancy price
He has recently bought an imported TV set at a fancy price.
मित्रवत रहना– Get along with
He has the knack for getting along with all sorts of people.
बुरा काम करके सजा से मुक्त रहना– Get away with.
You can’t cheat me like that and get away with it.
नई परिस्थिति में घुल मिल जाना- Get into the swing of things.
Many of the Indian students don’t take long to get into the swing of things in the U.S.A.
तंग करना– Get on one’s nerves.
She talks so much that she gets on my nerves.
बाहर निकल जाना– Get out of
Sita is a very affectionate mother and does not let her children get out of her sight.
विजय पानी, मात करना– Get the better of
He easily got the better of her in the argument.
Some More Hindi Word Meanings :
नौकरी से हटाया जाना– Get the sack
He is thoroughly incompetent and I know that one day he will get the sack.
संदेश मिलना– Get word
I got word that my brother had suddenly become ill.
भाषण कला– Gift of the garb
He has a Gift of the garb and can hold his audience spellbound.
दूर रखना– Give a wide berth
He is not to be trusted. You should always Give him a wide berth.

English Speaking Idioms With English Meaning –

जाहिर करना– Get currency fo
Many new words in English have got currency of late.
चकमा देकर भाग जाना– Give the slip.
As the thief saw the policeman he gave him the slip by getting into a nearby lane.
काफी हद तक उपयुक्त होना– Go a long way.
This amount will go a long way in defraying your trip’s expenses.
साथ-साथ चलना– Go hand-in-hand
Going hand-in-hand with this expansion programme of the company is a massive plan of modernisation.
जल्दीबाजी से कुछ कर बैठना- Go off the deep end.
Think with a cool mind. There is no need to go off the deep end and act foolishly.
विनाश होना– Go to rack and ruin
The government must do something to save this sick sugar mill from going to rack and ruin.
स्पष्ट होना- Go without saying
It goes without saying that honesty pays in the long run.
एक ही काम में जिंदगी बिताना– Grow grey.
He began working at the age of twenty, and has grown grey in the same office.
Some More Hindi Word Meanings :
आयु बढ़ने के साथ कोई आदत छूटना– Grow out of.
As child he used to stutter, but now has grown out of it.
देर होना– Hang fire
This matter had been hanging fire for more than a month.
कोसना या भत्सर्ना करना– Haul over the coals.
The boss hauled him over the coals for his insubordination.
किसी चीज में हिस्सा होना– Have a finger in the pie.
Why should you be so interested in What he is being paid ? Do you have a finger in the pie.
गलत होना– Have another guess coming.
If you think I will be with you in this mischief, you have another guess coming.
किसी वस्तु पर दृष्टि रखना– Have an eye on a thing.
Be content with What you have. Don’t have an eye on others’ things.
गुण छुपाकर रखना-one’s light under a bushel.
To keep such a learned man in his light under a bushel.
Some More Hindi Word Meanings :
सही बात कहना– Hit the nail on the head.
The reviewer hit the nail on the head when he wrote that the main shortcoming of the book was the author’s ignorance of the subject.
झूठी प्रशंसा– Idle compliment
Although he praised my work yet I knew it was an Idle compliment.
संकट में पड़ना– In a mess
Do your work properly, else you will get into a mess.
समय बीतने पर– In course of time.
In course of time the little boy grew into a fine young man.
पेशे के अनुकूल होना– In one’s line.
He writes quite well. After all this is in his line. (Hindi word meanings)

Learn Hindi Phrases With Examples For Spoken English –

प्रगति रुक जाना- In the doldrums
On account of trade recession his business in in the doldrums for more than a year.
अंत में– In the long run
You will find that he proves to be your best friend in the long run.
पूरा विवरण– Ins and outs
Only Rakesh knows the ins and outs of this affair.
पूरा विचार न करते हुए– Jump to a conclusion.
Don’t jump to the conclusion that Ravi does not care for you only because he could not help you this time.
राज़ न खोलना– Keep a thing to oneself
I knew he did not mean what he was saying, so I kept the whole thing to myself.
ठीक समय बिताना– Keep good time
My watch always keeps good times.
जानकारी न देना– Keep in the dark.
Why did you keep me in dark about your illness.
एक ही काम करते रहना– Keep on with
I asked him to check these proofs and he has kept on with it for the last Four hours.
Some More Hindi Word Meanings :
दूर रखना– Keep out the way
Keep selfish people like Ramesh out of the way.
पास फटकने न देना– Keep someone at arm’s length.
He is a cheat so I take care to keep him at arm’s length.
घर से बाहर न जाना– Keep to the house
He has not been keeping well of late so he keeps to the house.
नोट करके रखना– Keep track of
We are going to keep track of all our expenses while we are in the U.S. A.
आदत छोड़ देना– Kick a habit
He used to be quite a heavy smoker. I wonder How come he has kicked this habit.
कोई काम खत्म करना– Knock off
You have been working since morning-now knock it off.
सारगर्भित दृष्टिक्षेप– Knowing look
He gave me a knowing look, when I said I was busy in the evening.
Some More Hindi Word Meanings :
हंसी मजाक का निशाना बनना– Laughing stock.
He talked nonsense and made himself the laughing stock at the party.
जरुरत की चीज मिल जाना– Lay one’s hand on.
I hope I am lucky to lay my hand on the history book, I am looking for.
गाढ़े वक्त के लिए इंतजाम करना– Lay up for a rainy day.
Don’t spend your money so lavishly. You should lay up something for a rainy day.
Some More Hindi Word Meanings :
बड़े-बड़े खतरों से बच निकलना– Lead a charmed life.
I wonder how he has come out unscathed from this dangerous mission. He seems to be leading a charmed life.
घिसी-पिटी लकीर से हटना– Leave the beaten track.
This author has left the beaten track and suggested a fresh look on the age-old problem of casteism.
अकेले छोड़ना– Leave to oneself
At times I prefer to be left to myself.
सरकारी मान्यता प्राप्त– Legal tender
Thousand rupee notes are not legal tender any more.
सहायत करना– Lend a hand
Let us all lend him a hand in carrying these books to the basement.
जोर से फेंकना– Let fly
The dog let fly a stone in the direction of the dog.
आपको ऊपर बताए गए Hindi word meanings सीखना कैसा लगा ? यदि आपको पसंद आया तो आप इस post को अपने दोस्तों को शेयर करना ना भूलें; धन्यवाद !
Always keep on learning English with confidence by Pradeep Sir.

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