Active And Passive Of Future Perfect Tense बनाना सीखाऊँगा । मैं उम्मीद करता हूँ कि इस post ( Active And Passive Voice Of Future Perfect Tense With Examples In Hindi ) को पढ़ने के बाद आपके लिए Active voice से Passive बनाना आसान नहीं बहुत आसान हो जाएगा;
बशर्ते आप इस post में बताए गए future perfect tense के Active and passive rules और examples को ध्यान से समझें; तो चलिए बिना देर किए सीखना शुरु करते.
What is The Active and passive of future perfect tense ?
आज आप सीखने जा रहे हैं कि future perfect tense के active voice sentence को passive voice sentence में कैसे बदला जाता है ? लेकिन उससे पहले मैं आपको बताना चाहूँगा कि Active and passive voice होता क्या है ? तो चलिए बिना देर किए सीखते हैं ।
Active voice of future perfect tense
मतलब ” कर्ता वाच्य ” ऐसे वाक्य जिसकी शुरुआत हमेशा Subject ( कर्ता ) से हो जैसे –
- वह यह किताब पढ़ चुका होगा। ( He will have read this book.)
- वह मुझे इस बारे में नहीं बताया होगा । ( He will not have told me about it.)
” Active voice ” के प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य इस प्रकार हो सकते हैं; जैसे –
- क्या तुम उसे यहाँ ला चुके होगे ? ( Will you have taken him here ? )
- तुम उसे क्यों नहीं बताए होगे ? ( Why will you not have told him ? )
Passive voice of future perfect tense
इसका मतलब होता है ” कर्म वाच्य ” ऐसे वाक्य जिसकी शुरुआत हमेशा ‘ Object – कर्म ‘ से हो जैसे –
- उसके द्वारा उसे पढ़ाया जा चुका होगा। ( He will have been taught by him )
- तुम्हारे द्वारा उसे डाँट पड़ चुकी होगी । ( He will have been scolded by you.)
क्या तुम्हारे द्वारा यह काम पूरा किया जा चुका होगा ? ( Will this work have been completed by you ?)
- तुम्हारे द्वारा उसे मार क्यों पड़ी होगी ? ( Why will he have been beaten by you ? )
Active and passive voice rules of future perfect tense
Future perfect tense active voice structure :
[ Subject + will + have + Verb का तीसरा रुप + Object + Other word ]
Active voice examples of future perfect tense :
- I will have written a letter to my father.
- She will have cooked food for you.
- Ravi will have driven this car on the road.
- They will have learnt English speaking here.
- He will have taught you this chapter.
- She will have watched this movie daily.
- They will have completed this project.
- My teacher will have taught this subject.
- You will have done your homework.
Future perfect tense passive voice structure :
[ Active voice object का subjective form + will + have + been + verb का तीसरा रुप + Other word + by + active voice subject का objective form ]
Active and passive voice examples
Active And Passive Of Future Perfect Tense Examples :
A – She will have completed this project tomorrow.
P – This project will have been completed tomorrow by her.
A – I will have told him this story in the class.
P- This story will have been told him in the class by me.
A- Seema will have taken this medicine daily.
P – This medicine will have been taken daily by Seema.
A- Ravi will have laughed at you there.
P – You will have been laughed at there by Ravi.
A – I will have taught you this subject tomorrow.
P – This subject will have been taught you tomorrow by me.
A – My teacher will have taught this subject.
P – This subject will have been taught by my teacher.
A – You will have done your homework.
P – Your homework will have been done by you.
( इस वाक्य में आप ‘ This subject ‘ की जगह ‘ You will have been ‘ का भी प्रयोग कर सकते हैं क्योंकि दोनो वाक्य के ‘ Objects ‘ )
P- You will have been taught this subject tomorrow by me.
Negative Active voice Structure
[ Subject + will + not + have + verb का तीसरा रुप + Object + other word ]
Examples :
- He will not have done this job here.
- She will not have spoken English in the office from tomorrow.
- I will not have played cricket from tomorrow.
- They will not have read all books before examination.
- You will not have liked him now.
- Ravi will not have taught you this lesson.
Negative Passive voice structure
[ Active voice Object का subjective form + will + not + have been + verb का तीसरा रुप + other word + by + active voice subject का objective form ]
Active And Passive Of Future Perfect Tense Examples :
A – I shall not have beaten him in the class today.
P – He will not have been beaten in the class today by me.
( क्या आप जानते हैं कि ” will/shall ” का प्रयोग कब, कहाँ और कैसे करते हैं ? यदि नहीं तो चलिए जान लेते हैं – will का प्रयोग एकवचन और बहुवचन दोनों कर्ता ( He, She, It, You and They के साथ में किया जाता है, जबकि Shall का प्रयोग ‘ I, We के साथ करते हैं )
A – Geeta will not have told me.
P – I will not have been told by Geeta.
A – His mother will not have loved too much him.
P – He will not have been loved too much by his mother.
A – They will not have sold his house.
P – His house will not have been sold by them.
A – Rohan will not have taken a tea during dinner.
P – A tea will not have been taken during dinner by Rohan.
A – Her sister will not have liked you.
P – You will not have been liked by her sister.
A – She will not have started her own shop.
P – Her own shop will not have been started by her.
Interrogative active voice Structure
(1) Yes/No type questions :
[ Will + Subject + ( not ) have + verb का तीसरा रुप + Object + other word + ? ]
Examples :
- Will you have spoken Hindi from today ?
- Shall I not have done this job in this company ?
- Will she have bought this book from that shop ?
- Shall we have told him this story tomorrow ?
- Will Ravi have recognised you ?
Interrogative passive voice structure :
[ Will/Shall + active voice object का subjective form + (not) + have been + Verb का तीसरा रुप + Other Word + by + active voice Subject का Objective form + ? ]
Active and passive voice examples of future perfect tense :
Active And Passive Of Future Perfect Tense Examples :
A – Will she not have driven this car from tomorrow ?
P – Will this car not have been driven from tomorrow by her?
A – Shall I not have bought this dress today ?
P – Will this dress not have been bought today by me ?
A – Will they have spoken French in the office ?
P – Will French have been spoken in the office by them ?
A – Will you have helped him in the class?
P – Will he have been helped in the class by you?
Examples Of Active And Passive Voice Of Future Perfect Tense.
A – Will Rekha not have given you money ?
P – Will you not have been given money by Rekha ?
A – Will he not have sold his bike today ?
P – Will his bike not have been sold today by him ?
A – Mona will not have received her friend.
P – Her friend will not have been recieved by Mona.
A – Monu will have read this book.
P – This book will have been read by Monu.
A – We shall have caught the train.
P – The train will have been caught by us.
Examples Of Active And Passive Voice Of Future Perfect Tense.
A – The police will have caught the terrorist.
P – The terrorist will have been caught by the police.
A – The chemist will have closed the shop by ten O’clock.
P – The shop will have been closed by the chemist by ten O’clock.
Examples Of Active And Passive Voice Of Future Perfect Tense.
A – They will have painted my home by eight O’clock.
P – My home will have been closed by them by eight O’clock.
A – The central government will have electrified five thousand villages by the end of next year.
P – Five thousand villages will have been electrified by the central government by the end of next year.
W.H. Word type passive voice questions :
[ W.H. Word + will + active voice object का subjective form + (not) + have been + verb का तीसरा रुप + other Word + by + active voice subject का Objective form + ? ]
Active And Passive Of Future Perfect Tense Examples :
A – Why will Seema not have cooked something special ?
P – Why will something special not have been cooked by Seema ?
A – Who will have called you today ?
P – By whom will you have been called today ?
A – What will you have done for me ?
P – What will have been done for me by you ?
A – Which book will you have read at home?
P – Which book will have been read at home by you?
Examples Of Active And Passive Voice Of Future Perfect Tense.
A – Where will you have sold your products ?
P – Where will your products have been sold by you ?
A – What will you have done in this company ?
P – What will have been done in this company by you ?
A – I shall have read a book.
P – A book will have been read by me.
A – We shall have helped him.
P – He will have been helped by us.
A – Neha will have been made a chair.
P- A chair will have been made by Neha.
A – Mohan will have caught the train.
P – The train will have been caught by Mohan.
Examples Of Active And Passive Voice Of Future Perfect Tense.
A – They will have joined the marriage party.
P – The marriage party will have been joined by them.
A – The teacher will have taught us English.
P – English will have been taught us by the teacher.
A – The players will have won the match.
P – The match will have been won.
अगर आपको Future perfect tense का active and passive voice सीखना अच्छा लगा तो आप इस post को अपने दोस्तों के साथ Facebook और What’s App पर शेयर जरुर करें, धन्यवाद ! Always keep on learning English with confidence by Pradeep Sir.
इसे भी पढ़ें – Gender Of Nouns Examples From Hindi to English