मैं आज आपको हिन्दी माध्यम से Active And Passive Of Present continuous tense के बनाना सीखाऊँगा;
मैं उम्मीद करता हूँ कि इस post को पढ़ने के बाद आपके लिए Active voice से Passive बनाना आसान नहीं बहुत आसान हो जाएगा;
बशर्ते आप इस post में बताए गए Active and passive rules और examples को ध्यान से समझें; तो चलिए बिना देर किए सीखना शुरु करते.

What is active and passive Present Continuous Tense ?
आज आप सीखने जा रहे हैं Present continuous tense के active voice sentence को passive voice sentence में कैसे बदलें ? लेकिन उससे पहले हम जान लेते हैं कि Active and passive voice होता क्या है ? तो चलिए बिना देर किए आगे बढ़ते हैं ।
Active Voice –
” कर्ता वाच्य ” ऐसे वाक्य जिसकी शुरुआत हमेशा Subject ( कर्ता ) से हो जैसे –
- मैं यह किताब रोज पढ़ रहा हूँ । ( I am reading this book daily.)
- वह मुझे गाली दे रहा है । ( He is abusing me)
” Active voice ” के वाक्य प्रश्नवाचक भी हो सकते हैं; जैसे –
- क्या तुम यह काम रोज कर रहे हो ? ( Are you doing this work daily ?
- तुम उसे रोज क्यों मार रहे हो ? ( Why are you beating him ? )

Active And Passive Of Present Continuous –
इसका मतलब होता है ” कर्म वाच्य ” ऐसे वाक्य जिसकी शुरुआत हमेशा ‘ Object – कर्म ‘ से हो जैसे –
- मेरे द्वारा यह किताब रोज पढ़ा जा रहा है । ( This book is being read daily by me.)
- उसके द्वारा मुझे गाली दिया जा रहा है । ( I am being abused by him.)
- क्या तुम्हारे द्वारा यह काम रोज किया जा रहा है ? ( Is this work being done daily by you ?)
- वह तुम्हारे द्वारा रोज मार क्यों खा रहा है ? ( Why is he being beaten daily by you ? )
[ जिस Active voice का passive voice बनाना हो तो सबसे पहले आप उस Active voice sentence को चेक करें कि उसमें Transitive Verb – मतलब ‘सकर्मक क्रिया ऐसी क्रिया जिसे ‘ Object की आवश्यकता होती है ‘ का प्रयोग किया गया है या Intransitive Verb – मतलब ‘ अकर्मक क्रिया ऐसी क्रिया जिसे Object की आवश्यकता नहीं होती जैसे – Go, Come, stand etc. ‘ का ।

यदि ‘ Active voice sentence ‘ में वाकई ‘ Transitive Verb – ‘सकर्मक क्रिया ‘ का प्रयोग किया गया है तो आप इसका Passive voice बना सकते हैं ; यदि Intransitive Verb हो तो इसका Passive Voice नहीं बनाया जा सकता ।
What are differences between ” Transitive & Intransitive Verb
कैसे पहचाने कि Active voice sentence में ‘ Transitive Verb ‘ का प्रयोग किया गया है या Intransitive Verb का ?
इसे पहचानना बहुत आसान है, बस आप Active voice sentence में दी गई क्रिया से ‘ What ( क्या ), Whom ( किसे/किसको ) से प्रश्न करें अगर उत्तर में कुछ मिल रहा हो तो वह क्रिया ‘ Transitive – सकर्मक ‘ है और इसका Passive Voice बन सकता है जैसे –
मै एक किताब पढ़ रहा हूँ ? – क्या पढ़ रहा हूँ ‘ एक किताब ‘ यह वाक्य का ‘ Object – कर्म ‘ है, इससे यह पता चलता है कि इस वाक्य में ‘ Transitive Verb ‘ का प्रयोग किया गया है ; यह जरुरी नहीं है कि हर ‘ Transitive Verb ‘ के साथ ‘ Object ‘ हो, अगर Object नहीं है तो हम वहाँ पर ‘ It ‘ का प्रयोग कर देते हैं जैसे –
मैं पढ़ रहा हूँ । ( I am reading.) ‘ reading ‘ Transitive Verb है लेकिन इसके साथ ‘ Object ‘ का प्रयोग नहीं किया गया है इसलिए इसका Passive voice बनाते समय Object की जगह पर ‘ It ‘ का प्रयोग किया जाएगा जैसे – It is being read by me.
Learn Active And Passive Of Present Continuous
What is an intransitive verb ?
Intransitive Verb ‘ की पहचान आप ‘ Where ( कहाँ ), When ( कब ) और How ( कैसे ) से प्रश्न करके कर सकते हैं जैसे –
वह दिल्ली जा रहा है – कहाँ जा रहा है ‘ दिल्ली ‘ इससे पता चलता है कि इस वाक्य में ‘ Intransitive Verb ‘ का प्रयोग किया गया है, इसलिए इस Active voice sentence का Passive voice नहीं बनाया जाएगा ।
क्रिया से What और Whom से प्रश्न करने पर हमेशा Object मिलता है, जबकि Where, When और How से प्रश्न करने पर ‘ Adverb ‘ मिलता है ।
Active and passive voice rules of present Continuous
Active voice structure
[ Subject + is/am/are + (not) + verb का पहला रुप + ing + Object + Other word ]
Active voice examples :
- He is reading a book in the morning.
- I am driving this car.
- They are speaking English in the class.
- I am preparing food daily for him.
- Rekha is writing a letter to me.
- My friends are playing football in the garden.
- Neha is helping her brother doing his homework.
- They are doing jobs in this factory.
Passive voice structure :
[ Active voice object का subjective form + is/am/are + (not) + being + verb का तीसरा रुप + Other word + by + active voice subject का objective form ]
A – He is reading a book in the morning.
P – A book is being read in the morning by him.
A – I am driving this car.
P– This car is being driven by me.
A– They are speaking English in the class.
P – English is being spoken in the class by them.
A– I am preparing food daily for him.
P – Food is being prepared for him by me.
A – My friends are playing football in the garden.
P – Football is being played in the garden by my friends.
A – Neha is helping her brother doing his homework.
P – Her brother is being helped doing his homework by Neha.
A – They are doing jobs in this factory.
P – Jobs are being done in this factory by them.
A – Rekha is writing a letter to me.
P – A letter is being written to me by Rekha.
( इस वाक्य में आप ‘ A letter ‘ की जगह ‘ I am ‘ का भी प्रयोग कर सकते हैं क्योंकि दोनो वाक्य के ‘ Objects ‘ )
Active And Passive Of Present Continuous
Interrogative passive voice structure :
[ Is/Am/Are + active voice object का subjective form + (not) + being + Verb का तीसरा रुप + Other Word + by + active voice Subject का Objective form + ? ]
Examples :
A – Are you speaking English at home ?
P – Is English being spoken at home By you ?
A – Is he reading a book daily ?
P – Is a book being read daily by him ?
A – Are they not driving this car ?
P – Is this car not being driven by them ?
A – Are you watching the T.V. at home ?
P – Is the T.V. being watched at home by you ?
A – Is she teaching you ?
P – Are you being taught by her ?
A – Are your friends doing jobs in this company?
P – Are jobs being done in this company by your friends?
A – Is she preparing breakfast in the kitchen?
P – Is breakfast being prepared in the kitchen by her?
W.H. Word type passive voice questions :
[ W.H. Word + is/am/are + active voice object का subjective form + (not) + being + verb का तीसरा रुप + other Word + by + active voice subject का Objective form + ? ]
Examples :
A – Why are you not speaking English there ?
P – Why is English not being spoken there by you ?
A – Who is working well ?
P – By whom is it being worked well ?
A – What are you doing ?
P – What is being done by you ?
A – Where are you keeping my pen ?
P – Where is my pen being kept by you ?
A – What are you cooking today ?
P – What is being cooked today by you ?
A – Which book is she reading before sleeping?
P – Which book is being read before sleeping by her?
A – Why are you learning English here?
P – Why is English being learned here by you?
अगर आपको Present continuous tense का active and passive voice सीखना अच्छा लगा तो आप इस post को अपने दोस्तों के साथ Facebook और What’s App पर शेयर जरुर करें, धन्यवाद !
The Use Of Would Have In Hindi With Meaning
Always keep on learning English with confidence by Pradeep Sir.