Active And Passive Of Past continuous tense बनाना सीखाऊँगा । मैं उम्मीद करता हूँ कि इस post को पढ़ने के बाद आपके लिए Active voice से Passive बनाना आसान नहीं बहुत आसान हो जाएगा;
बशर्ते आप इस post में बताए गए Active and passive rules और examples को ध्यान से समझें; तो चलिए बिना देर किए सीखना शुरु करते.

What is the active and passive Of Past Continuous Tense ?
मैं आज आपको सीखाने जा रहा हूँ कि Past continuous tense के active voice sentence को passive voice sentence में कैसे बदलें ? लेकिन उससे पहले हम जान लेते हैं कि Active and passive voice होता क्या है ? तो चलिए बिना देर किए आगे बढ़ते हैं ।
Active Voice –
मतलब ” कर्ता वाच्य ” ऐसे वाक्य जिसकी शुरुआत हमेशा Subject ( कर्ता ) से हो जैसे –
- मैं यह मूवी देख रहा था । ( I was watching this movie.)
- वह मुझे देख रहा था ( He was looking at me.)
” Active voice ” के वाक्य प्रश्नवाचक भी हो सकते हैं; जैसे –
- क्या तुम यह किताब पढ़ रहे थे ? ( Were you reading this book ? )
- तुम उसे गाली क्यों दे रहे थे ? ( Why were you abusing him ? )

Passive Voice –
इसका मतलब होता है ” कर्म वाच्य ” ऐसे वाक्य जिसकी शुरुआत हमेशा ‘ Object – कर्म ‘ से हो जैसे –
- मेरे द्वारा यह मूवी देखा जा रहा था । ( This movie was being watched by me.)
- उसके द्वारा मुझे गाली पड़ रही थी । ( I was being abused by him.)
- क्या तुम्हारे द्वारा यह काम किया जा रहा था ? ( Was this work being done by you ?)
- वह तुम्हारे द्वारा मार क्यों खा रहा था ? ( Why was he being beaten by you ? )
Learn active and passive voice rules :
Past continuous tense active voice structure
[ Subject + was/were + Verb का पहला रुप + ing + Object + Other word ]

Active voice examples :
Active And Passive Of Past Continuous Tense Examples :
- I was driving this car yesterday.
- He was doing his homework.
- We were watching this movie yesterday.
- I was reading a novel two days ago.
- Ravi was teaching me English.
- They were beating their children.
- You were telling a lie.
- Neha was making a fool in class yesterday.
- Ravi was learning computer two months ago.
Past continuous tense passive voice structure :
[ Active voice object का subjective form + was/were + being + verb का तीसरा रुप + Other word + by + active voice subject का objective form ]
Active and passive voice examples :
Active And Passive Of Past Continuous Tense Examples :
A – She was cooking food in the kitchen.
P – Food was being cooked in the kitchen.
A – I was writing a novel two years ago.
P– A novel was being written two years ago by me.
A– Heena was speaking good English In the class.
P – Good English was being spoken in the class by Heena.
A– He was learning English speaking course.
P – English speaking course was being learned.
A – They were beating their children
P – Their children were being beaten by them.
A – You were telling a lie.
P – A lie was being told by you.
A – Neha was making me a fool in class yesterday.
P – I was being made a fool in class by Neha.
A – Ravi was learning the computer two months ago.
P – The computer was being learned two months ago by Ravi.
A – A – I was writing a letter to him.
P – A letter was being written to him by me.
( इस वाक्य में आप ‘ A letter ‘ की जगह ‘ He was ‘ का भी प्रयोग कर सकते हैं क्योंकि दोनो वाक्य के ‘ Objects ‘ )
P– He was being written a letter by me.
Learn Active And Passive Of Past Continuous Tense
Negative Active voice Structure :
[ Subject + was/were + not + verb का पहला रुप + ing + Object + other word ]
Examples :
- He was not driving my car.
- They were not watching cricket yesterday.
- You were making him understand.
- Father was doing his office work.
- They were not speaking Hindi in class.
Negative Passive voice structure :
[ Active voice Object का subjective form + was/were + not + being + verb का तीसरा रुप + other word + by + active voice subject का objective form ]
Active And Passive Of Past Continuous Tense Examples :
A – I was not making him fool.
P – He was being made him fool.
( क्या आप जानते हैं कि ” was/were” का प्रयोग कब, कहाँ और कैसे करते हैं ? यदि नहीं तो चलिए जान लेते हैं – Was का प्रयोग एकवचन कर्ता के साथ जबकि were का प्रयोग बहुवचन कर्ता के साथ किया जाता है )
A – Sita was not writing a book at home.
P – A book was not being written at home by Sita.
A – He was not cooking something special for his father.
P – Something special was not being cooked for his father by him..
A – Rekha was not washing her car yesterday.
P – Her car was not being washed yesterday by Rekha.
A – Karan was not watching this movie with his friends.
P – This movie was not being watched with his friends by Karan.
A – You were not telling an old story to my brother.
P – My brother was not being told an old story by you.
A – She was speaking English at home.
P – English was being spoken at home by her.
A – They were not speaking Hindi in class.
P – Hindi was not being spoken in class by them.
A – She was not helping me yesterday.
P – I was not being helped yesterday by her.
Interrogative active voice Structure :
(1) Yes/No type questions :
[ Was/Were + Subject + ( not ) + verb का पहला रुप + ing + Object + other word + ? ]
Examples :
- Were you learning something here ?
- Was he not watching this the T.V. ?
- Were they not driving this car on the road ?
- Were you not playing this video game yesterday ?
- Was she doing a job there ?
Interrogative passive voice structure :
[ Was/Were + active voice object का subjective form + (not) + being + Verb का तीसरा रुप + Other Word + by + active voice Subject का Objective form + ? ]
Active passive voice examples :
Active And Passive Of Past Continuous Tense Examples :
A – Was he doing his homework in the class ?
P – Was his homework being done in the class by him ?
A – Were they not buying a book there ?
P – Was a book not being bought there by them ?
A – Was he not playing cricket with you ?
P – Was cricket not being played with you by him ?
A – Were they not watching serial yesterday ?
P – Was serial not being watched yesterday by them ?
A – Was Ravi not teaching me well ?
P – Was I not being taught well by Ravi ?
W.H. Word type passive voice questions :
[ W.H. Word + was/were + active voice object का subjective form + (not) + being + verb का तीसरा रुप + other Word + by + active voice subject का Objective form + ? ]
Active And Passive Of Past Continuous Tense Examples :
A – Why was she not cooking food yesterday ?
P – Why was food not being cooked yesterday by her ?
A – Who was doing it ?
P – By whom was it being done ?
A – What were you seeing there ?
P – What was being seen there ?
A – Where were you buying a book from ?
P – Where was a book being bought from by you ?
A – What was she doing there ?
P – What was being done there by her ?
अगर आपको Past continuous tense का active and passive voice सीखना अच्छा लगा तो आप इस post को अपने दोस्तों के साथ Facebook और What’s App पर शेयर जरुर करें, धन्यवाद !
Learn Modal Auxiliary Verbs In English Grammar
Always keep on learning English with confidence by Pradeep Sir.